legal notice
the end of things. simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 10 000 euros, whose headquarters are located 60 rue de Turbigo 75003 Paris, registered under the number 800 264 210 at the Paris RSC, is the author of the present web site.
Anthony Heng is the publication and photography director.
This web site has been designed and developed as a one-man show, it is hosted by o2switch +33 444 446 040, chemin des Pardiaux 63000 Clermont-Ferrand France.
This web site and its content are the exclusive property of the end of things. Any reproduction, representation or modification, full or partial, of the web site or any one of its content, is forbidden.
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On no account can the end of things. be held responsible for any damage, whether direct or indirect, resulting from the use of this web site.